The Three Most Undervalued Leadership Traits of Women

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Women business leaders are some of the most unrecognizable and undervalued contributors to the business world today. Why is that? Is it because they possess any number of undervalued leadership traits? Traits including adaptability, listening, and passion are important ways that women have succeeded in business but are often overlooked.

What are three most undervalued leadership traits of women?


Women are more adaptable when it comes to the business world, and that’s hardly surprising. Women have been adapting to the needs of their families and the community for centuries, and now in increasing numbers in the business world. In Business News Daily women believe that adaptability and flexibility are two of the top skills they use to succeed in business. In addition to increased success women point out that it helps them feel more secure in the position they currently hold.


Women are also better listeners. In The Smart CEO’s Most Undervalued Skill the author points out that “most employees really need a skillful listener” rather than someone who just repeatedly barks out advice and orders. A study conducted by Cambridge University found that women are naturally better listeners due to the way their brains are structured. Why Do Women Make Better CEO’s summarizes the study and says that the part of the brain that is connected to listening is more prominent in women than in men.


Passion often drives women to succeed in business. Men are expected to go and pursue a career hardcore and succeed through cut throat competition where women are often given more leeway in their career choices. They can pursue their passions with vigor. Forbes believes that [women are] “…passionate explorers in pursuit of excellence. ”

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Written by Christine

Christine has a comprehensive understanding of the people, processes, and operations involved in talent acquisition and Recruitment Process Outsourcing. She refuses to settle for simply meeting expectations of her clients, instead she has a reputation for exceeding them.

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