How to Recruit Employees: 6 Creative Strategies

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There’s a very distinct ebb and flow in the job market. Sometimes the market is saturated with qualified candidates. Then other times, you’re lucky to receive even one suitable resume.

Even in times of plenty, searching for a candidate who’s the right fit for your company can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Employees who demonstrate a solid work ethic and fit in with the company culture keep your business thriving. They bolster morale, delight customers, and help you cut down on costs associated with high turnover rates and training.

If you’re feeling the pressure to find that ideal candidate, then this article is for you. We will share 6 creative strategies to help you recruit the right talent for your company.

6 Creative Strategies to Recruit Employees

If the beaten path of employee recruitment is failing to yield the kinds of candidates you’re seeking, it may be time to start thinking outside the box. Change your perspective on posting jobs and tweak your approach. These changes may just end up being some of the best professional moves you ever make.

If you’re ready to shift gears, here are 6 creative strategies you can explore for recruitment!

Utilize Social Media to Find Candidates

If you are looking for candidates that are young and hungry to sink their teeth into a position, there’s no greater platform than social media. Digital natives look to these sites for entertainment, news, and yes — even jobs.

Even if you aren’t specifically after fresh, young, talent, social media is still a great way to get your job posting in front of as many eyes as possible. Post the job on your company’s page and encourage employees to share the post as well.

Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are great places to start, but don’t let some of the more up-and-coming social media apps fall by the wayside. Snapchat and Instagram can get your job on many, many screens without costing you much at all.

Make sure to keep your job posting dynamic and engaging, just like all of your other social media posts. Try to include an image, speak to the benefits, list the requirements, and talk a bit about company culture.

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Set Up a Booth at Job Fairs

Though they may feel like an unnecessary waste of your already limited time, job fairs offer you the unique opportunity of meeting many candidates at one time.

Think of career fairs like professional speed dating. Having a booth at a job fair allows you to vet candidates quickly before scheduling a longer interview. You will be able to make some initial assessments about a candidate’s energy and personality instead of judging them solely based on their resume.

Job fairs also allow potential candidates to get a feel for your company. You’ll have a chance to talk about the work environment and some of the perks that aren’t standardly listed on a job posting.

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Host an Event

Unlike at a job fair where you are one in a sea of companies, your business will be the focal point when you host a recruitment event. You will still have the chance to speak with each candidate as a sort of pre-interview, but they won’t be in a rush to move on to other prospective employers.

Get creative with your event, and cater it to the kind of employees you’re interested in hiring. The event should reflect the kind of company you run, and you will need to make a point to interact with all the candidates who attend.

Once you’ve settled on a date for your event, be sure to publicize it on social media and other job boards. If space comes at a premium, ask candidates to RSVP, and be sure to detail the open positions so you aren’t inundated with unqualified attendees.

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Encourage Employee Referrals

Who knows what it takes to be a successful member of your team better than the people who are already successful members of your team? Encouraging employee referrals can be one of the easiest ways to meet candidates who are not only qualified but who also personally align with the company culture.

If you really want to lean into this method, institute a referral incentive program. Clearly outline the parameters.

  • Should candidates reference the employees on their applications?
  • Will employees receive the incentive as soon as their referral is hired, or after an introductory period?
  • What exactly is the incentive?

Try to generate some excitement around referrals, and use the mindhive already present in your company to source some great new employees.

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Build a Creative Benefits Package

Benefits and perks have become almost as important to employees as their monetary compensation. Try to get creative with some of the benefits you offer, like company retreats or vacation incentives.

It is also a good idea to throw your weight behind making some of the more practical benefits, like parental leave, as competitive as possible. With a healthy job market to wade through, potential employees are more likely to gravitate toward your position if you demonstrate concern over their happiness.

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Work with a Professional Recruiting Agency

As a business owner, you may simply not have the time to dig through the haystack of candidates to find your shining needle of an employee. If that is the case, why not outsource the work to an expert?

Professional recruiting firms like Mogel RPO know how to recruit candidates so you don’t have to. They do the hard work of sifting through resumes to cherry-pick the best possible recruits for you.

If you have more pressing things to focus your energy on, reach out to Mogel RPO and let them do the heavy lifting.


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Written by Christine

Christine has a comprehensive understanding of the people, processes, and operations involved in talent acquisition and Recruitment Process Outsourcing. She refuses to settle for simply meeting expectations of her clients, instead she has a reputation for exceeding them.

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