Revolutionize Your Hiring Practices with Three Recruiting Secrets

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Statistical research by a recruiting expert has made insightful revelations about current hiring trends and factors that job applicants consider when interviewing at companies. The goal of this fascinating study was to identify which factors will predict if a job applicant decides to continue engaging the company. Keep reading to learn the three essential facts uncovered through the analysis of around 8,000 recruiting messages.

Fact #1 – Money Matters

Forbes magazine states that HR professionals traditionally avoid sharing salary numbers during the recruitment process because of high expectations and sales stonewalling. However, money is one of the most important facts when applicants decided whether or not to pursue an opportunity. The math is quite simple: the more the job offer salary exceeds the job hunter’s ideal target, the more likely they will affirmatively respond. Money talks and it is saying that insufficient compensation is detrimental to recruitment practices. Recruiters must understand that prioritizing money isn’t about greed, it’s about value, stability and future growth.  Salary levels are objective benchmarks of the company’s financial strength and their confidence in the new hire.

Fact #2 – A Preference for Personalization

Recruiters and HR professionals are busy, so they tend to systematically send out succinct emails. However, impersonal messages will be most likely treated like recruiter spam. Individualized emails simply need to mention past work, projects or accomplishments. In-depth personalizing recruitment emails increase the response rate by over 70 percent. Be warned that poor response rates follow both impersonal messages and emails with only a little personalization. Almost all recruiters and HR professionals will use letter templates because they must deal with hundreds to thousands of applicants. However, it is easily to save personalized recruitment emails for the final job candidates who will be interviewed.

Fact #3 – Communication Expertise is Required

The recruitment study found that the source of the message, whether it was a company recruiter, engineer or founder, actually doesn’t really matter. The recruiter rates were slightly higher because their content was more appealing and focused. Business leaders and managers tend to sound more dry and formal, while recruiters tend to sound more excited and engaging. Clearly, recruiters need to be high-energy professionals who enjoy genuinely getting to know people and excel at sending out mass customized emails to job candidates. Recruiters should know how to incentivize candidates through demonstrating knowledge of their skills and experience in order to share the scope of the opportunity.

The ultimate message of this research teaches companies that recruiters need to share very personal messages that clearly state salary levels and share motivational messages. Recruitment is a full-time and time-consuming job, so many companies choose to take advantage of our innovative and affordable staffing solutions.

Are you ready to revolutionize your hiring practices? Contact us.


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Written by Deandra

Deandra’s expertise is making lasting connections between candidates and companies. She helps companies around the world find, hire and train top talent while helping candidates turn their passions into careers.

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